But for now, let's think back on that Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Bread Mix I raved about in October. Tasty is it? Yes. Cheap however? Hell no. Depending on where I can find the stuff, $5-$7 is way too much to pay for bread, even if it is just for one little gluten free guy. Especially since we started finding that the bread would start to mold in just 2-3 days sometimes. And yes, keeping it in the freezer is an option but again, see price.
Now, it was rather convenient that David happened to find a gluten free bread in the mark down bin at Stater's that we'd never seen before in our lives. Food For Life Brown Rice Bread. It says that it is wheat and gluten free and even sweetened. The Food For Life Baking Co., Inc (located in Corona, CA) says:
This unique bread is designed to meet the needs of those who are not able to tolerate wheat or gluten.
Ingredients include brown rice flour, filtered water, fruit juice concentrate (pineapple, peach and pear,) tapioca flour, safflower oil, yeast, xanthan and cellulose gum, rice bran, and sea salt.
It also warns that the facility that it is processed in also handles tree nuts.
As for taste, Wade says it's good but it's kind of hard--though that might be a result of it being slightly old, but it doesn't even have a date on it. One of those mysteries of life I guess. Perhaps this would be better for toast and grilled cheese.
Another alternative to bread that we've discovered, and it's sort of the "poor man's" gluten free bread substitute is corn tortillas. We don't even do them "wrap" style, we actually just put everything between two tortillas and call it a super flat sandwich. We've totally pan fried ham and (light) cheese, peanut butter and banana, or he can just eat it raw.
They come about 100 to a pack and they're anywhere from $0.50 to $3. And he's not complaining.
The Gluten Free Wonderful Bread is nice, and I don't want to totally knock it, but for the price and for how it doesn't seem to last long, I think the corn tortillas do the trick for now.
By the way, have you seen the pretzel filled M&M's
I love corn tortillas, and usually order them in place of the flour ones. Hadn't thought of them for sammiches, but it's an excellent idea. I am pretty sure they are fairly good for you too. I am glad you are finding more and more options for Wade.