Thursday, December 30, 2010

There's Been A Glutening

Sadly, Wade has thrown up twice now, both times after having gluten free macaroni for dinner.  It's very sad, and he's okay now, but I'm rather upset because these gluten free elbows were bought in bulk at Winco and I suspect that someone wasn't doing their job right and mixed the regular noodles in the bin with the Wade-friendly ones.  (The bulk bins are self serve--scoop and bag, self labeling.)

We've hooked up an awesome mac n' cheese recipe for Wade as follows:

Gluten Free Mac N' Cheese

1 1/4 cup gluten free macaroni
1/4 cup cheese powder
1/4 cup almond milk
4 tbsp. margarine

And it's great because those noodles are a little over a buck a pound, so buying 10 pounds of the stuff will last a month if not longer.  Now we've got a bag of tainted noodles that we can't use!  And Winco isn't exactly close by. 

So I call Winco.  Oh god.  Some lady with an accent answers and I ask to speak to the manager and she says "What are you griping about?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"What are you griping about today?"

"What am I what?"

"Griping.  What are you calling to gripe for today?" 

I'm maybe thinking English isn't her first language and she doesn't quite have the right word in place.  Anyway, she tells me that she is the person in charge (I don't know if that was true) and I told her that I suspect someone in the bulk department switched the noodles because my son is having allergic reactions and she was like "Oh.  Oh.  Oh.  I'm sorry.  Okay.  Um...Just bring them back, okay?"

I'm not really sure if my message got across. 

Good gluten free macaroni that we have tried and had success with is Annie's Homegrown Gluten Free Mac & Cheese.  It's made from rice pasta, which is excellent in my book, except that it also does the weird rice pasta slimy water thing when it cooks but it evens out at the end. 

Trouble is Annie's is not cheap and it's somewhere around $4 a box.  The bulk elbow noodles were kind of a staple for Wade since he's not into rice.  I can't really do bulk Annie's and get the same amount of gluten free elbows that I was getting for the price I was getting them at, and I'm worried about ever buying the bulk noodles again. 

Was it a fluke though?  Was this a one time accidental thing? 

See, speaking of flukes we thought maybe Wade's allergy was a fluke because he demolished a gingerbread house about 3/4 of the way before David caught him and had no ill effects that we knew of.  No barf, no runny poop that we know of, and we thought "huh." 

But then he barfed up this mac n' cheese and it's like...what do we do? 

What is your opinion?  Should I buy the bulk gluten free macaroni again or should I avoid it now? 


  1. Really hard to say. Back when I was still cheating, I ate massive quantities of pizza several times with no ill effects, but would get sick as a dog on a small contamination. Made me totally paranoid, and now I really try hard to avoid the stuff. I have no idea what the specific trigger is (why I would not get sick on one episode but get dogsick on the next one.)

    I can't believe you can get bulk gf macaroni! Are you sure it wasn't the cheese powder that made him barf? Have you tried the bulk cheese powder in other recipes?

  2. he's had the cheese powder NUMEROUS times on pasta, taters, veggies, etc. and lactose makes him poop, not puke. it makes ME puke, but the cheese powder generally just gives me a headache. he's lived on this recipe for a while now and has had no trouble, which is why i think it's the gf noodles.

    by the way, they're $1.22 a pound. if you have a winco, stop in. fucking worth it if some idiot didn't switch it.

  3. Now I'm scared. I buy the Trader Joes noodles, they are still fairly inexpensive and they're packaged. I'll bet you could buy noodles in bulk online that you wouldn't have to worry about.
